MyShowsLive offers memberships to performance venues for the purpose of retaining and displaying/promoting their venue, performance act, and show/event information and for sharing that information with the general public. Every performance venue is automatically entitled to an initial 30-day free trial membership. At the end of that trial period performance venues have the option to pay for a yearly membership.
If you have not already joined, Join Now to begin your free 30-day trial period by providing your venue info and then creating a log in credential profile. Once your credentials have been provided you can then log in and begin to enjoy your free 30 day trial membership.
Why Should My Venue Join?
The more venues who join, the more valuable this site/service will be to the general public. The more popular this site/service becomes, the more patrons will attend your venue.
Join Now.
Yearly Membership Fee
Performance venues can pay for a yearly membership at any time. If paid while the trial is in progress, the paid start date will take effect at the end of the trial period and will expire one year after the trial period expires. Otherwise, the start date will occur at the time of payment and will expire one year from the payment date.
The cost of yearly membership fee is $39.95. Pay Now
Payment Options
MyShowsLive offers various payment options.
- Electronic payment:
Zelle, Venmo, or Paypal
Pay Now
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of membership by the performance venue may only occur 30 days after the official membership start date and will require the venue contact person to submit an online form explaining the reason for cancellation. The amount refunded will be the pro-rated remainder of the unused yearly membership.
Revoking Membership
MyShowsLive reserves the right to revoke venue membership for non payment. Venue must pay for their membership at the end of the free trial membership. Venue privledges will be revoked if yearly membership is not paid within 30 days after the end of the trial period. If MyShowsLive deems it necessary to revoke membership privledges, the venue account will be inactivated and all associated data will be inactivated until payment is made.
MyShowsLive also reserves the right to revoke venue membership for intentional inaccurate or malicious content.
It is the intention of that this site be used only for performing arts such as music, dance, comedy, drama. It is NOT the intention of MyShowsLIVE that the site be used for any of the following purposes such as: Illegal activities, pornography, hate, or politcal propaganda. This type of content will be immediately be taken down and the offending venue will be permanently removed.
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