MyShowsLive is music promotion service and is a divison of Summer Breeze Music Project LLC which is a limited liability company for the sole purpose of performing and promoting music.
The purpose of the MyShowsLive website is to provide a web portal for performance venues, acts, performers, shows and events to communicate peformance information. The data uploaded on the website is provided exclusively by the subscribing performance venues.
Any responsibility of accuracy and timeliness of the information provided rests solely on the subscribing performance venue. MyShowsLive does not participate in providing venue, acts, or show information. MyShowsLive will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and assumes no responsibility for false and mis-information in regards to venues, performance acts, shows and events. This service assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of maintained data. All performer/performance data will be maintained by the subscribing venue proprietor. The responsibility of entering and updating this data falls solely on the subscribing venue proprietor.
MyShowsLive will periodically monitor data input by the venues, and reserves the right to remove misleading, inaccurate, malicious, or profane uploaded information and images.
All venue, act, and show data field changes made via the admin tools are recorded for historical audit purposes. In the event a data field value has been changed either unexpectedly or by accident, it may be possible to review the audit log history to determine the previous data value as well as when and who made that change via the admin tool. If this happens, please contact MyShowsLive by email at: or by phone at: 1-480-980-8110.
It is the intention of MyShowsLive that this site be used only for performing arts such as music, dance, comedy, drama. It is NOT the intention of MyShowsLIVE that the site be used for any of the following purposes such as: Illegal activities, pornography, hate, or politcal propaganda. This type of content will be immediately taken down and the offending venue will be permanently removed.
MyShowsLive reserves the right to revoke venue membership for non payment. Venue must purchase a membership at the end of the free trial membership. Venue privledges will be revoked if yearly membership is not paid within 30 days after the end of the trial period. If MyShowsLive deems it necessary to revoke membership privledges, the venue account will be inactivated and all associated data will be inactivated until payment is made.
Click here for more information about MyShowsLive.
The webmaster for MyShowsLive can be contacted via email at: or by phone at: 1-480-980-8110.