Join our MyShowsLive Venue Membership to help promote your performance venue, increase sales, promote the arts, showcase talent, and help our community thrive.
Performance Venues can subscribe to this service and post their upcoming performances to the public. Every new member automatically receives a 30 day free trial period.
Membership Info Venue Introduction PDF
Every new Venue member receives an initial 30-day free trial period! The more venues who join and populate their acts/performers, shows/events, the more valuable this site/service will be to the general public. The more more people who use this site/service, then the more success your venue will have.
Performance Venues Only. Please provide your venue information below. Please ensure that the Venue Name, Address, Phone, Email, Contact Person and Website are completely accurate.
Upon submitting, you will then create a credential profile on the next page.
After submitting, please do not close browser. You will need to create your credential profile on the next page to complete the process. Once complete, you may be contacted by phone or email to verify your information as well as to schedule a live orientation to help you make the most of of MyShowsLive.
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